Japan Guinness Records in 2011

This is a compilation of 32 Japan Guinness records in 2011. You may want to take a look at our complete list of Japan Guinness Records broken down by year.

WhenRecord nameWhatWho
31 December 2011Largest fish marketTsukiji fish market
19 November 2011Most spins on a unicycle in one minuteSatomi Sakaino
13 November 2011Most rotations around a human neck by a dog in 30 secondsSuper Wan Wan Circus
13 November 2011Most table tennis counter hits in one minute180 total numberMima Ito, Tacshow Arai
11 November 2011Heaviest pear2.948 kilogram(s)JA Aichi Toyota Nashi Bukai
04 November 2011Most chrysanthemum blooms on a single stemYoshiteru Nomura
03 November 2011Most people shaving with an electric shaver1421 peoplePanasonic Corporation
22 October 2011Largest kimonoEiko Kobayashi
26 September 2011Longest career as a postal workerTakashi Miyaoka
17 September 2011Longest walk (distance) by a passive walking robot16.3 kilometre(s)Walking robot research team at Future University Hakodate
09 September 2011Fastest compressed air powered car129.2 kilometre(s) per hourDream Car Project
01 September 2011Most glyphs in a typefaceMorisawa Inc.
26 August 2011Most people throwing a ceremonial first pitch simultaneously111 peopleEhime Mandarin Pirates
31 July 2011Largest flute ensemble3742 peopleTsugaru Yokobue Guinness Executive Committee
31 July 2011Longest career as editor-in-chief of an educational magazineMitsuru Ebe
01 June 2011Largest star taaffeiteMiho Ozawa
22 May 2011Largest inarizushiKyoto an Co. Ltd (Japan)
17 May 2011Most prolific console-based news serviceToro Station / Mainichi Issho
05 May 2011Most full contact punch strikes in one minute (female)556 total numberAyaka Miyao
05 May 2011Longest chain of spectacles16530/2011 total numberSabae Megane Guinness 2011 Jikkoiinkai
05 May 2011Most martial arts kicks in one minute (one leg) (female)Yuka Kobayashi
16 March 2011Most sizes of bras commercially availableDiana Co., Ltd.
12 March 2011Longest goza matYashiro Green Project
26 February 2011Largest dango115.5 kilogram(s)Korezo! Koshimizu
08 February 2011Largest plastic advertising hoardingMeiji Seika Kaisha Ltd.
06 February 2011Most consecutive futsal penalty kicksShonan Bellmare Futsal Club
03 February 2011Most spits and catches of four table tennis balls with the mouthFrancisco Tebar Honrubia
30 January 2011Most TV commercials shown for one product - single 30 minute programmeKDDI CORPORATION
January 2011First 3D dramaTokyo Control
2011Country with the fewest digital friendsJapan
2011Safest high-speed rail network7000000000 peopleShinkansen
2011Busiest station3640000 peopleShinjuku Station

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Content last updated on 2018-11-27