Conceived around April 2015, and finally completed on 1 June 2016, the "Jensen arm" by the UK company Open Bionics is the first fully functional prosthetic limb based on a videogame. The limb is owned and worn by 24-year-old games fan Dan (UK) and is an "exact copy" of the one worn by Adam Jensen in Deus Ex, a cyberpunk videogame series set in a near-futuristic era of transhumanist body upgrades. As of 26 August 2016, it was one of three models that Open Bionics had produced. It took roughly one month to make, from rendering to being wearable. Samantha Payne of Open Bionics explained: "These were designed by Open Bionics and the Deus Ex art team at Eidos Montreal to be functional prosthetics and not gimmicks. Eidos stressed that they didn't want to create a one-off device for show, they wanted to invest in a medical device that could help amputees."Open Bionics had previously created a prosthetic arm based on the Metal Gear series. However, as Payne explained, this was a one-off cosmetic piece that did not function and was not based on an actual arm from the game, but rather, was simply inspired by the series. It was used in a marketing stunt for Konami. It also went into planning after the Adam Jensen arm entered its initial design stages.The Adam Jensen arm is a 3D-printed model and Open Bionics intend for these to be made available to the public.