This is a compilation of 17 Canada Guinness records in 2011. You may want to take a look at our complete list of Canada Guinness Records broken down by year.
When | Record name | What | Who |
12 November 2011 | Longest triple ATV wheelie | Roger, Madeline and Dominique LeBlanc | |
25 September 2011 | Most chainsaw juggling catches | 94 total number | Ian Stewart |
12 September 2011 | Tallest dandelion | 177.8 centimetre(s) | Jo Riding and Joey Fusco |
07 August 2011 | Tallest useable pogo stick | Fred Grzybowski | |
31 July 2011 | Longest videogame marathon on an NHL game | 24/2 hour(s):minute(s):second(s) | James Evans, Bruce Ashton |
14 July 2011 | Fastest time to cycle trans-Canada | 13/6/13 day(s):hour(s):minute(s) | Arvid Loewen |
26 June 2011 | Farthest distance by canoe (kayak) - 24 hours (flowing water) | Carter Johnson | |
04 June 2011 | Most step ups in 8 hours | 8898 total number | Arran McLellan |
10 May 2011 | Largest ice cream cake | Dairy Queen Canada | |
27 April 2011 | Most bones tattooed on the body | Rick Genest aka 'Rico' | |
27 April 2011 | Most insects tattooed on the body | 176 total number | Rick Genest aka 'Rico' |
09 March 2011 | Snowmobile - greatest distance in 24 hours (individual) | Nicholas Musters | |
15 January 2011 | Fastest vehicle slalom relay on ice | 1/11 minute(s):second(s) | Mitsubishi Motors North America |
08 January 2011 | Fastest one mile on string/can stilts | 11/55 minute(s):second(s) | Ashrita Furman |
2011 | Longest running TV science documentary series | Nature of Things | |
2011 | Largest ice canoeing race | Quebec Winter Carnival | |
2011 | Largest non-polar ice field | Kluane National Park and Reserve |