Time difference between Russia and Italy

See local time for: &

Russia has multiple time zones, that reason we now list some of the most important places with their respective local times.

Actual local time in Russia

Moscow (Moscow+00 - west Russia)??:??
Adygeya (Moscow+00 - west Russia)??:??
Kaliningrad Oblast (Moscow-01 - Kaliningrad)??:??
Volgograd (Moscow+00 - Caspian Sea)??:??
Samara (Moscow+00 (Moscow+01 after 2014-10-26) - Samara, Udmurtia)??:??
Yekaterinburg (Moscow+02 - Urals)??:??
Omsk (Moscow+03 - west Siberia)??:??
Novosibirsk (Moscow+03 - Novosibirsk)??:??
Novokuznetsk (Moscow+03 (Moscow+04 after 2014-10-26) - Kemerovo)??:??
Krasnoyarsk (Moscow+04 - Yenisei River)??:??
Irkutsk (Moscow+05 - Lake Baikal)??:??
Yakutsk (Moscow+06 - Lena River)??:??
Vladivostok (Moscow+07 - Amur River)??:??
Kamchatka (Moscow+08 (Moscow+09 after 2014-10-26) - Kamchatka)??:??
Anadyr (Moscow+08 (Moscow+09 after 2014-10-26) - Bering Sea)??:??

Actual local time in Italy


    Italy time changes in 2016

  • CEST Daylight Saving Time (UTC2) takes effect on 2016-03-27T01:00:00+0000.
  • CET regular time (UTC1) takes effect on 2016-10-30T01:00:00+0000.

Distance between Russia and Italy

City of Russia:
City of Italy:

Moscow, Russia's latitude is 55.75 and its longitude is 37.58. Roma - Lazio, Italy's latitude is 41.9 and its longitude is 12.48. The distance in kilometers between Russia and Italy is 2,374 km.


Traveling from Moscow to Roma - Lazio

By car, it would take you approximately 29.68 hours to get to Roma - Lazio, Italy driving non-stop from Moscow, Russia at a constant speed of 80 kilometers per hour.

By plane, it would take you approximately 3.96 hours to get to Roma - Lazio, Italy taking a direct flight from Moscow, Russia.

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