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Time difference between Cayman Islands and Portugal


Portugal has multiple time zones, that reason we now list some of the most important places with their respective local times.

Actual local time in Cayman Islands


Actual local time in Portugal

City Time
Lisboa (Portugal (mainland)) ??:??
Aveiro (Portugal (mainland)) ??:??
Azores (Azores) ??:??
Beja (Portugal (mainland)) ??:??
Braga (Portugal (mainland)) ??:??
Braganca (Portugal (mainland)) ??:??
Castelo Branco (Portugal (mainland)) ??:??
Coimbra (Portugal (mainland)) ??:??
Evora (Portugal (mainland)) ??:??
Faro (Portugal (mainland)) ??:??
Guarda (Portugal (mainland)) ??:??
Leiria (Portugal (mainland)) ??:??
Madeira (Madeira Islands) ??:??
Portalegre (Portugal (mainland)) ??:??
Porto (Portugal (mainland)) ??:??
Santarem (Portugal (mainland)) ??:??
Setubal (Portugal (mainland)) ??:??
Viana do Castelo (Portugal (mainland)) ??:??
Vila Real (Portugal (mainland)) ??:??
Viseu (Portugal (mainland)) ??:??

    Portugal time changes in 2024

  • WEST daylight saving time (UTC+1) takes effect on 2024-03-31 at 01:00.
  • WET standard time (UTC+0) takes effect on 2024-10-27 at 01:00.
  • +00 daylight saving time (UTC+0) takes effect on 2024-03-31 at 01:00.
  • -01 standard time (UTC-1) takes effect on 2024-10-27 at 01:00.

If it's 12PM in Cayman Islands, what time is it in Portugal?

When it's 12:00 PM in George Town, Cayman Islands, time in Lisboa, Portugal is 05:00 PM.

Inverse calculation

Distance between Cayman Islands and Portugal

City of Cayman Islands:
City of Portugal:

George Town, Cayman Islands's latitude is 19.285813 and its longitude is -81.373158. Lisboa, Portugal's latitude is 38.71 and its longitude is -9.14. The distance in kilometers between Cayman Islands and Portugal is 7,167 km.


Traveling from George Town to Lisboa

By car, it would take you approximately 89.59 hours to get to Lisboa, Portugal driving non-stop from George Town, Cayman Islands at a constant speed of 80 kilometers per hour.

By plane, it would take you approximately 11.95 hours to get to Lisboa, Portugal taking a direct flight from George Town, Cayman Islands.

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