India Guinness Records in 2007

This is a compilation of 9 India Guinness records in 2007. You may want to take a look at our complete list of India Guinness Records broken down by year.

WhenRecord nameWhatWho
30 December 2007Most letters published in an single national paper in one year214 total numberShailendra Singh Yadav
12 December 2007Most extras conceded in a Test match innings (male)India
12 December 2007Longest marathon basketball dribbling55/26 hour(s):minute(s):second(s)Pawan Srivastava
09 October 2007Most people brushing their teeth (multiple venue)177003 peopleColgate-Palmolive (India) Ltd
26 August 2007Longest ear hair18.1 centimetre(s)VICTOR ANTHONY
August 2007Oldest living fatherNanu Ram Jogi
29 June 2007Greatest average mileage run daily (year)61.87 kilometre(s)Tirtha Kumar Phani
2007Largest single-volume biography32 total numberA.V.S. Raju
2007Youngest professional artistArushi Bhatnagar

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Content last updated on 2018-11-27