Youngest person to row the Pacific east to west solo

According to Official Guinness Records,

Peter Bird (UK, b. 19 February 1947) was the youngest person to row East-West across the Pacific in his boat, Hele-on-Britannia, leaving San Francisco, USA on 23 August 1982 and arriving in the Great Barrier Reef of Australia on 14 June 1983 at the age of 36 years, 114 days. In doing so, Peter became the first to row the Pacific solo. NB this was not 'unsupported' as he was re-supplied enroute. Sadly, Peter later died in June 1996 trying to row West to East across the Pacific.

For a complete list of 1983 records, please visit 1983 Guinness Records in Australia.

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Content last updated on 2018-11-27