The record for the largest collection of tribal and ethnic footwear belongs to William (Boy) Habraken (The Netherlands), with 2,322 different pairs of footwear originating from 155 countries, which he has been collecting since 1968. William’s collection, which consists of shoes, boots, sandals, moccasins, clogs and slippers dating back to the 10th century B.C., is housed in a private museum in Holland and displayed in 39 glass cabinets. From January 2007, his collection will be permanently displayed in the “Shoes or no Shoes” Museum in Kruishoutem, Belgium. William also wrote a book untitled “Tribal and Ethnic Footwear of the World” which includes 2,162 photographed and documented pairs. Information about his collection can also be found on under the heading” Etnographic shoe collection”. His favourite pair is from a Bedouin woman from the desert of Shiraz in Iran, who gave him her own bridal shoes adorned with seashells found in the desert. Another favourite is a pair of sandals he got from the Ashanti Royal family in Ghana after he was inaugurated as chief of a village.