First row across the Atlantic west to east from USA land to land solo

According to Official Guinness Records,

The first person to row across the Atlantic West to East solo from USA to England land to land is Oliver Hicks (UK, b. 3 December 1981) who rowed Miss Olive, Virgin Atlantic between 27 May and 28 September 2005 aged 23 years 175 days at the start. He rowed from Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey, USA, to St Mary's, Isles of Scilly, UK, in 123 days 22 hr 8 min. Hicks is also the youngest person to row any ocean solo. NB: land to land means that the rower was not towed to land (unlike Gerard d'Aboville after he crossed the finish line) but stepped out of the boat onto land. Editorial: NB the first line of the attempt text should read as is (i.e. no commas, syntax, capitalisation correct).
"The first person to row across the Atlantic West to East solo from USA land to land"

For a complete list of 2005 records, please visit 2005 Guinness Records in United Kingdom.

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Content last updated on 2018-11-27