We show daylight length in Lisboa during May 2025 and the daylight length for the equinox and solstice for comparing. From May 1, 2025 until May 31, 2025, daylight becomes longer.
Times of sunrise and sunset in Lisboa during May 2025.
Taking May 1, 2025 as reference, the sun rises at 06:38:57 at 69.7°ENE (East-northeast) and sets at 20:28:56 at 298.47°WNW (West-northwest). Sunrise and sunset take approximately 2.9 minutes to complete. Read more about sunrise and sunset.
Taking May 15, 2025 as reference, the sun rises at 06:24:24 at 64.69°NE (Northeast) and sets at 20:41:59 at 303.65°WNW (West-northwest). Sunrise and sunset take approximately 3.02 minutes to complete. Read more about sunrise and sunset.
2025 | Daylength | Dawn | Sunset | Solar Noon | Sunrise | Dusk | |||||||||
May | Length | Difference | Ast. | Nau. | Civ. | Start | Azimuth | End | Start | Azimuth | End | Civ. | Nau. | Ast. | |
1 | 13h 49m 59s | - | 04:58 | 05:35 | 06:10 | 06:38 | 70°NE | 06:41 | 13:33 | 20:26 | 298°WNW | 20:28 | 20:57 | 21:32 | 22:10 |
2 | 13h 52m 07s | +2.1m | 04:56 | 05:34 | 06:09 | 06:37 | 69°NE | 06:40 | 13:33 | 20:26 | 299°WNW | 20:29 | 20:58 | 21:33 | 22:11 |
3 | 13h 54m 14s | +2.1m | 04:55 | 05:32 | 06:07 | 06:36 | 69°NE | 06:39 | 13:33 | 20:27 | 299°WNW | 20:30 | 20:59 | 21:34 | 22:12 |
4 | 13h 56m 19s | +2.1m | 04:53 | 05:31 | 06:06 | 06:35 | 69°NE | 06:38 | 13:33 | 20:28 | 300°WNW | 20:31 | 21:00 | 21:36 | 22:14 |
5 | 13h 58m 23s | +2.1m | 04:51 | 05:30 | 06:05 | 06:34 | 68°NE | 06:37 | 13:33 | 20:29 | 300°WNW | 20:32 | 21:01 | 21:37 | 22:15 |
6 | 14h 00m 26s | +2.1m | 04:50 | 05:28 | 06:04 | 06:33 | 68°NE | 06:36 | 13:33 | 20:30 | 300°WNW | 20:33 | 21:02 | 21:38 | 22:17 |
7 | 14h 02m 27s | +2m | 04:48 | 05:27 | 06:02 | 06:32 | 67°NE | 06:35 | 13:33 | 20:31 | 301°WNW | 20:34 | 21:03 | 21:39 | 22:18 |
8 | 14h 04m 27s | +2m | 04:47 | 05:26 | 06:01 | 06:31 | 67°NE | 06:34 | 13:33 | 20:32 | 301°WNW | 20:35 | 21:04 | 21:40 | 22:19 |
9 | 14h 06m 25s | +2m | 04:45 | 05:24 | 06:00 | 06:30 | 67°NE | 06:33 | 13:33 | 20:33 | 302°WNW | 20:36 | 21:05 | 21:42 | 22:21 |
10 | 14h 08m 21s | +1.9m | 04:44 | 05:23 | 05:59 | 06:29 | 66°NE | 06:32 | 13:32 | 20:34 | 302°WNW | 20:37 | 21:06 | 21:43 | 22:22 |
11 | 14h 10m 15s | +1.9m | 04:42 | 05:22 | 05:58 | 06:28 | 66°NE | 06:31 | 13:32 | 20:35 | 302°WNW | 20:38 | 21:08 | 21:44 | 22:23 |
12 | 14h 12m 08s | +1.9m | 04:41 | 05:21 | 05:57 | 06:27 | 66°NE | 06:30 | 13:32 | 20:36 | 303°WNW | 20:39 | 21:09 | 21:45 | 22:25 |
13 | 14h 13m 59s | +1.9m | 04:40 | 05:19 | 05:56 | 06:26 | 65°NE | 06:29 | 13:32 | 20:37 | 303°WNW | 20:40 | 21:10 | 21:46 | 22:26 |
14 | 14h 15m 48s | +1.8m | 04:38 | 05:18 | 05:55 | 06:25 | 65°NE | 06:28 | 13:32 | 20:38 | 303°WNW | 20:41 | 21:11 | 21:47 | 22:28 |
15 | 14h 17m 35s | +1.8m | 04:37 | 05:17 | 05:54 | 06:24 | 65°NE | 06:27 | 13:32 | 20:38 | 304°WNW | 20:41 | 21:11 | 21:48 | 22:29 |
16 | 14h 19m 21s | +1.8m | 04:36 | 05:16 | 05:53 | 06:23 | 64°NE | 06:26 | 13:32 | 20:39 | 304°WNW | 20:42 | 21:12 | 21:50 | 22:30 |
17 | 14h 21m 04s | +1.7m | 04:34 | 05:15 | 05:52 | 06:22 | 64°NE | 06:25 | 13:32 | 20:40 | 304°WNW | 20:43 | 21:13 | 21:51 | 22:32 |
18 | 14h 22m 44s | +1.7m | 04:33 | 05:14 | 05:51 | 06:21 | 64°NE | 06:24 | 13:33 | 20:41 | 305°WNW | 20:44 | 21:14 | 21:52 | 22:33 |
19 | 14h 24m 23s | +1.7m | 04:32 | 05:13 | 05:50 | 06:21 | 63°NE | 06:24 | 13:33 | 20:42 | 305°WNW | 20:45 | 21:15 | 21:53 | 22:34 |
20 | 14h 26m 00s | +1.6m | 04:31 | 05:12 | 05:50 | 06:20 | 63°NE | 06:23 | 13:33 | 20:43 | 305°WNW | 20:46 | 21:16 | 21:54 | 22:36 |
21 | 14h 27m 34s | +1.6m | 04:29 | 05:11 | 05:49 | 06:19 | 63°NE | 06:22 | 13:33 | 20:44 | 306°WNW | 20:47 | 21:17 | 21:55 | 22:37 |
22 | 14h 29m 06s | +1.5m | 04:28 | 05:10 | 05:48 | 06:18 | 63°NE | 06:22 | 13:33 | 20:44 | 306°WNW | 20:48 | 21:18 | 21:56 | 22:38 |
23 | 14h 30m 35s | +1.5m | 04:27 | 05:09 | 05:47 | 06:18 | 62°NE | 06:21 | 13:33 | 20:45 | 306°WNW | 20:48 | 21:19 | 21:57 | 22:40 |
24 | 14h 32m 02s | +1.5m | 04:26 | 05:08 | 05:46 | 06:17 | 62°NE | 06:20 | 13:33 | 20:46 | 306°WNW | 20:49 | 21:20 | 21:58 | 22:41 |
25 | 14h 33m 27s | +1.4m | 04:25 | 05:08 | 05:46 | 06:17 | 62°NE | 06:20 | 13:33 | 20:47 | 307°WNW | 20:50 | 21:21 | 21:59 | 22:42 |
26 | 14h 34m 49s | +1.4m | 04:24 | 05:07 | 05:45 | 06:16 | 62°NE | 06:19 | 13:33 | 20:48 | 307°WNW | 20:51 | 21:22 | 22:00 | 22:43 |
27 | 14h 36m 08s | +1.3m | 04:23 | 05:06 | 05:44 | 06:15 | 61°NE | 06:19 | 13:33 | 20:48 | 307°WNW | 20:52 | 21:23 | 22:01 | 22:44 |
28 | 14h 37m 25s | +1.3m | 04:22 | 05:05 | 05:44 | 06:15 | 61°NE | 06:18 | 13:33 | 20:49 | 307°WNW | 20:52 | 21:23 | 22:02 | 22:46 |
29 | 14h 38m 39s | +1.2m | 04:21 | 05:05 | 05:43 | 06:14 | 61°NE | 06:18 | 13:34 | 20:50 | 308°WNW | 20:53 | 21:24 | 22:03 | 22:47 |
30 | 14h 39m 49s | +1.2m | 04:20 | 05:04 | 05:43 | 06:14 | 61°NE | 06:17 | 13:34 | 20:51 | 308°WNW | 20:54 | 21:25 | 22:04 | 22:48 |
31 | 14h 40m 58s | +1.2m | 04:19 | 05:03 | 05:42 | 06:14 | 61°NE | 06:17 | 13:34 | 20:51 | 308°WNW | 20:54 | 21:26 | 22:05 | 22:49 |