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March 2025
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Partial solar eclipse on March 29 2025 (United States)

partial solar eclipse March 29, 2025 (United States)
Note: This image is here for illustrative purposes and does not represent the actual eclipse on this date.

The Moon information shown here applies to Washington, District of Columbia, United States on Saturday, March 29, 2025. (Local time America/New York)

Moonrise to moonset13h3m
Distance to the center of the Sun149,388,274 km
Distance to the center of Earth365,197 km
Moon ilumination (at midnight)0.1%
Lunar phasewaning
Current zodiac sign the MoonPisces ♓
Moon age (days past new moon)29.2

Choose a country from the list to get relevant information:

Countdown! Maximum eclipse:

Countdown applies to: Bridgeport, Connecticut, United States

According to international time UTC, a solar eclipse will occur on March 29, 2025 which will be visible in some parts of the world. The following shows the cities in United States from which the eclipse could be visible (note that the following is a short list of some of the main cities, the eclipse may be visible from other cities not listed here). The date and local time of the event shown below.

CityEclipse visible?Phase
Washington, District of ColumbiaNo-
Seattle, WashingtonNo-
Birmingham, AlabamaNo-
Anchorage, AlaskaNo-
Phoenix, ArizonaNo-
Little Rock, ArkansasNo-
Los Angeles, CaliforniaNo-
Denver, ColoradoNo-
Bridgeport, ConnecticutYes Partial
Dover, DelawareYes Partial
Jacksonville, FloridaNo-
Atlanta, GeorgiaNo-
Honolulu, HawaiiNo-
Boise, IdahoNo-
Chicago, IllinoisNo-
Indianapolis, IndianaNo-
Des Moines, IowaNo-
Wichita, KansasNo-
Louisville, KentuckyNo-
New Orleans, LouisianaNo-
Augusta, MaineYes Partial
Baltimore, MarylandYes Partial
Boston, MassachusettsYes Partial
Detroit, MichiganNo-
Minneapolis, MinnesotaNo-
Jackson, MississippiNo-
Kansas City, MissouriNo-
Billings, MontanaNo-
Omaha, NebraskaNo-
Las Vegas, NevadaNo-
Manchester, New HampshireYes Partial
Newark, New JerseyYes Partial
Albuquerque, New MexicoNo-
New York, New YorkYes Partial
Charlotte, North CarolinaNo-
Fargo, North DakotaNo-
Columbus, OhioNo-
Oklahoma City, OklahomaNo-
Portland, OregonNo-
Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaYes Partial
Providence, Rhode IslandYes Partial
Columbia, South CarolinaNo-
Sioux Falls, South DakotaNo-
Memphis, TennesseeNo-
Houston, TexasNo-
Salt Lake City, UtahNo-
Montpelier, VermontYes Partial
Virginia Beach, VirginiaNo-
Charleston, West VirginiaNo-
Milwaukee, WisconsinNo-
Cheyenne, WyomingNo-

Information about this eclipse

partial solar eclipse This is an animated image which shows the shadow of the moon and its path on the map during the solar eclipse. Only the regions shaded by the moon may view this partial solar eclipse. The date and time displayed in this image are international date and time, therefore, they might not apply to your country. However, to know the date and exact time of partial solar eclipse in your country, you can see the table below. (Click on image to enlarge it).

Information of the Greatest Eclipse

Information of the Greatest Eclipse

This image shows the moments of external and internal contacts with the Moon's penumbra (and Moon's umbra when applicable) as well as the horizon and geocentric coordinates of the Sun and the Moon as well as the place and moment of the greatest eclipse. Some of the information from the image has been condensed in the following table. Please regard that the information in the following table applies only to the place of maximum eclipse, latitude 61.1N and longitude 77.1W, on 2025-03-29 at 10:48:36 (UT).

Date (UT)2025-03-29
Time (UT)10:48:36
Sun alt.0
Sun azi.83
Path width
Central Dur.

Eclipse schedule in United States

The following table shows the schedule and phases of the partial solar eclipse of March 29, 2025 in United States. For each city we have assigned a time zone which is very precise and it takes into account Daylight Saving Time (if applicable).

Sun Alt.: Excellent   Good   Low   Too low  

Event datePartial eclipse startsSun Alt.Total eclipse startsMax. eclipseSun Alt.AzimuthTotal eclipse endsEnds partial eclipseSun Alt.Mag.Obs.
Bridgeport, Connecticut (UTC -4)2025-03-2906:43(r)0(r)-06:43(r)0(r)085-07:05:4040.398(r)28.5%
Dover, Delaware (UTC -4)2025-03-2906:54(r)0(r)-06:54(r)0(r)085-07:02:1010.15(r)6.9%
Augusta, Maine (UTC -4)2025-03-2906:28(r)0(r)-06:28(r)0(r)085-07:11:2770.753(r)69.7%
Baltimore, Maryland (UTC -4)2025-03-2906:58(r)0(r)-06:58(r)0(r)085-07:02:3110.078(r)2.6%
Boston, Massachusetts (UTC -4)2025-03-2906:34(r)0(r)-06:34(r)0(r)085-07:07:4560.594(r)50.3%
Manchester, New Hampshire (UTC -4)2025-03-2906:35(r)0(r)-06:35(r)0(r)085-07:08:5560.592(r)50.1%
Newark, New Jersey (UTC -4)2025-03-2906:47(r)0(r)-06:47(r)0(r)085-07:04:5230.31(r)19.9%
New York, New York (UTC -4)2025-03-2906:47(r)0(r)-06:47(r)0(r)085-07:04:4530.324(r)21.2%
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (UTC -4)2025-03-2906:52(r)0(r)-06:52(r)0(r)085-07:03:3920.212(r)11.5%
Providence, Rhode Island (UTC -4)2025-03-2906:36(r)0(r)-06:36(r)0(r)085-07:06:4850.546(r)44.8%
Montpelier, Vermont (UTC -4)2025-03-2906:39(r)0(r)-06:39(r)0(r)085-07:11:1250.569(r)47.4%

if present, (r) means the eclipse is in progress at sunrise, while (s) means the eclipse is in progress at sunset.

You can read the table above as follows: On March 29, 2025 in Bridgeport, Connecticut (UTC -6), an eclipse of type partial solar eclipse will start at 06:43(r), the maximum eclipse will occur at 06:43(r) when the Sun reaches an altitud of 0(r)° and azymuth of 085°; this event will come to an end at 07:05:40 and will have a magnitud of 0.398(r) (the magnitude of an eclipse is the ratio of the apparent size of the Moon to the apparent size of the Sun during an eclipse) and an obscurity of 0.285(r) (the fraction of the Sun obscured).

We must take into account the altitude of the sun, for example, in Bridgeport, Connecticut, due to the low altitude of the Sun (0(r) degrees) this solar eclipse will not be very obvious.

Protect your eyes

Observers must be very careful while viewing the solar eclipse. Our advice is to never look at the Sun with the naked eye.For safety, you must always use sunglasses, telescopes and binoculars with special filters. Never use these equipments without protection as the Sun's ultraviolet and infrared light may harm your eyes or cause blindness if you look at the Sun directly.

(cc by 2.0) > National Park Service
(cc by-sa 2.0) > Gerwin Sturm

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